Una asociación prometedora para las energías renovables

A partir de este mes de agosto, Reuniwatt iniciará sus actividades en Australia. TotalEnergies apoya a Reuniwatt en su desarrollo internacional. El apoyo de TotalEnergies es ideal para desarrollar la actividad de Reuniwatt y nos permite ofrecer a nuestros empleados en el extranjero un entorno de trabajo cómodo y estimulante, en presencia de colegas del mismo sector de actividad. La colaboración se anunció en

[Seminario web] FSOC: No clouds on the Horizon 🇬🇧

[Webinar] No Clouds on the Horizon: The Future Looks Bright for FSOC In the last decade free space optical communications (FSOC), also called laser communications, has evolved from a niche to a mature technology. Recent successes have pushed this technology forward, with the aim of providing global broadband coverage. However, FSOC still faces two major challenges to providing similar performance to terrestrial "backbone

Sistema de satélites MTG: Mejores previsiones en breve

Apoyándose en el legado de décadas de los satélites Meteosat de primera y segunda generación, Meteosat Tercera Generación (MTG) orbitará la Tierra a una altitud de 36.000 km, con un campo de visión estable sobre Europa y África. Su lanzamiento abre un sinfín de oportunidades fuera del sector espacial.Características y mejoras del sistema de satélites MTGEUMETSAT ha proporcionado al público más de tres décadas de

Meteo Data Quality: Don’t overlook the basics 🇬🇧

Weather and environmental parameters are key factors affecting PV performance. Over the years, the accuracy of the yield prediction has increased. Still, the fundamental question remains when considering development of a new solar plant: how much energy will it generate? Many parameters are subject to tough discussions between a project’s different stakeholders. One of them is future performance, and the question regarding solar resource

[Webinar Series] Launch of MTG satellite: data journey from space to solar plants 🇬🇧

[Webinar Series] Launch of MTG satellite: data journey from space to solar plants EUMETSAT has been monitoring weather and climate from space for decades. With the MTG (Meteosat Third Generation) system, it has launched one of the most innovative weather satellite systems ever built: the benefits of this investment along the value chain of satellite data are huge. In this webinar, we’ll explore

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