Noticias de la empresa

New white paper: High Penetration Renewables for Mines 🇬🇧

Many mines operate 24/7 with limited fluctuations in their load profiles. The economic viability of a hybrid power plant combining solar power, wind power, BESS and thermal units can be anticipated using Dornier Suntrace's in-house modelling tool AHEAD. Forecasts of energy yields of renewable generation, as provided by Reuniwatt, are an essential tool to optimise the injection of solar and wind energy into the

Sky imagers: Assessing the climate impact of condensation trails 🇬🇧

The images provided by Reuniwatt's sky imagers are an outstanding tool for cloud-related research. Forecasting the impact of condensation trails – so-called contrails – is one goal our sky imagers help to achieve.  Different research projects aim to provide tools to monitor the climate impact of contrails and forecast contrail formation. Learn more about contrails observation using sky imagers and the R&D projects featuring

[Seminario web] Meteo data quality 🇬🇧

[Webinar] Weather data: a key element in assessing the actual performance of your solar farms Meteorological data, particularly solar irradiance, is a key element in ensuring the profitability of a solar power farm, from the development phase through to the operational phase. These data are derived both from ground measurements, collected using in-situ equipment, and from assessments based on satellite images. In both cases,

Reuniwatt en la prensa : Trust the forecast 🇬🇧

Trust-PV is a four-year, EU-funded project featuring 21 PV value chain partners who aim to improve the performance of solar projects. French business Reuniwatt has published the ‘Forecasting for advanced operational stability’ study to improve stability at the point of grid connection. Marion Lafuma, business development manager for Reuniwatt, looks at its key findings. Improving the accuracy of energy yield forecasts will help PV

New white paper: Stabilizing grid operations using solar forecasts and BESS 🇬🇧

In South Africa, Eskom's electricity supply capacity could be best increased by promoting the diversity of energy sources in the generation. The Eskom Just Energy Transition Project will repurpose the Komati coal power station area with renewable energy and batteries, and create opportunities for local communities. Shift in the South African energy sector The Eskom Just Energy Transition Project (EJETP) will finance the decommissioning

Sistema de satélites MTG: Mejores previsiones en breve

Apoyándose en el legado de décadas de los satélites Meteosat de primera y segunda generación, Meteosat Tercera Generación (MTG) orbitará la Tierra a una altitud de 36.000 km, con un campo de visión estable sobre Europa y África. Su lanzamiento abre un sinfín de oportunidades fuera del sector espacial.Características y mejoras del sistema de satélites MTGEUMETSAT ha proporcionado al público más de tres décadas de

Meteo Data Quality: Don’t overlook the basics 🇬🇧

Weather and environmental parameters are key factors affecting PV performance. Over the years, the accuracy of the yield prediction has increased. Still, the fundamental question remains when considering development of a new solar plant: how much energy will it generate? Many parameters are subject to tough discussions between a project’s different stakeholders. One of them is future performance, and the question regarding solar resource

Le esperamos en The smarter E 2023

Conozca a nuestro equipo en la feria The smarter E 2023 de Múnich (Alemania), en el stand A3.540. Como líder en observación y previsión de la nubosidad, Reuniwatt ofrece una visión clara de la cantidad de producción de energía solar disponible en los próximos minutos, horas, días y semanas. Basándose en un sólido trabajo de I+D, Reuniwatt ha estado mejorando los métodos tradicionales de

Le esperamos en EGU 2023

Le invitamos a conocernos en la conferencia EGU23, que se desarrollará en Viena (Austria) del 23 al 28 de abril, en el pabellón 109 de la Galería. ¿Desea obtener más información sobre nuestras cámaras del cielo y sus funciones de software asociadas, o hablar con nosotros de sus proyectos de investigación? Pida cita con nuestro equipo, formado por los expertos Damien Ceus, Mehdi Ben

[Webinar Series] Project ICamCloudOps 2023 – closing session 🇬🇧

[Webinar Series] AI in Meteorology: Intelligent camera cloud operators for numerical weather prediction The project ICamCloudOps, funded by BMVI/mFUND, invites you to a webinar presenting the intermediate results of the project to the public. ICamCloudOps is a cooperation between DWD, the german weather service, and Reuniwatt, funded by mFUND, the "modernity fund" of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI).

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