Reuniwatt offers high quality and reliable products and services for different applications, such as renewable energy, atmospheric sciences and defense & space, with a special focus on forecasting for renewables.

Renewable Energy

Forecasts for plant operations

Renewable energy forecasting for improved operation of plants and grid code compliance.

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Hybrid systems

Up to 36% additional fuel savings for PV-diesel or wind hybrid plants thanks to forecasting.

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Solar project development

Reliable data for risk assessment and bankability evaluation of projects.

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Operation & Maintenance

Independent weather data to ensure renewable assets’ performance.

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Portfolio management

Effectively operate a multitude of renewable sites.

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Energy trading

Renewable forecasts help leverage the energy trading activity on the spot market.

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Grid operation

TSOs and DSOs make the most of distributed generation forecasts for an improved security of supply and economic efficiency.

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Smart Grids
& Smart Cities

Sustainable and energy-efficient solutions integrate weather data for advanced resource management and planning.

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Atmospheric Sciences

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Defense & Space

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