Solar radiation, wind & cloud cover forecasting
Reuniwatt offers cutting-edge solutions for high-resolution observation of the cloud cover and the solar irradiation, as well as wind and solar power forecasting services. Acknowledged by industrials and researchers, they have been successfully deployed across all continents.

Satellite services
Geostationary satellite images are processed using our proprietary method SunSat™ to retrieve cloud cover and solar irradiance at the ground level at a kilometric resolution. Very handy for site monitoring, the data is available worldwide over the past, the present, and even the future!

All-sky imagers services
Our specifically developed sky imagers, including Sky InSight™ for 24/7 all-sky observation, enable to monitor the cloud cover with an unprecedented accuracy, and can be used to precisely forecast the solar plants’ production within the next few minutes with InstaCast™ method.
About us
Reuniwatt is a leading company in the field of atmospheric sciences and solar irradiance estimation
Munich, Germany
May 7-9, 2025