Reunion Island, an insular region with ambitious renewable goals

Reunion Island, like most insular regions, is ruled by a carbon economy which is heavily dependent on oil, imported by sea. But in recent years, the energy transition has become the watchword of these non-interconnected areas. This results into an increasing implementation of renewable energy sources (RES) in these regions. In 2012, this island of the southwest Indian Ocean had a renewable electricity production capacity

Solar irradiance work to be presented at EGU’s conference

Reuniwatt will participate to the European Geosciences Union's (EGU) General Assembly, where it will disseminate diverse aspects of its work on solar irradiance measurement and forecasting to the scientific community. The EGU General Assembly, which takes place in Vienna, Austria, from April 17.-22, brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences.

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