Yearly Archives: 2019

Our Product Range – from Project Development to Operations

Reuniwatt focuses on energy meteorology and related products and services. Get an overview over the many applications of our products through life cycle of solar power plant in the following article.Forecasting and Monitoring Services for Solar PowerSince founding the company in 2010, our proficiency in meteorological services for the renewable energy industry has led us to support many projects all around the globe. We believe

Forecasting at Forum EnerGaïa 2019

Next week the EnerGaïa Forum, will take place in Montpellier, France, on 11th and 12th december 2019. Forecasting Expertise for you We are inviting you to join our CEO, Nicolas SCHMUTZ, at the Developments in Production Forecasting Technologies Workshop, taking place on Thursday, 12 december, from 14:00 to 15:00, Room E. Together with other experts on forecasting, he will be presenting the technical advances

Oiapoque – a Flagship for Diesel-PV Hybridisation

In 2017, power plant operator Voltalia SA commissioned a 4MWp solar plant in Oiapoque municipality, in the state of Amapá, Brazil, in the Amazon region of Brazil, and since has been using Reuniwatt's irradiance forecasting for anticipating solar fluctuations. Renewing the power supply of Oiapoque Engaging wind and solar technology manufacturers, already operating Diesel-powered minigrids in Brazil have been slowly changing towards a more

Observe the sky with our all-sky cameras

Our innovative and patented sky cameras were developed by Reuniwatt for the continuous tracking and forecasting of the cloud cover. What are they offering and how can they be useful for solar power plants and other applications? Discover Sky InSight and Sky Cam Vision  The variability of clouds above a site is a challenge for power plant operations and meteorological purposes alike. Sky cameras can

Solar Asset Management Europe 2019

Reuniwatt will be present at Solar Asset Management Europe, 30-31 October 2019, taking place in Frankfurt, Germany. Solar Asset Managers need reliable monitoring data Monitoring solar asset performance has become a necessary skill for solar asset managers. Ensuring steady performance quality requires high climatological, meteorological and solar production data. Our representative will present at Solar Asset Management Europe and ready to answer all your

Solar Asset Management with SunSat™ Digital Twin

Reuniwatt’s SunSat Digital Twin offers PV performance monitoring through satellite-to-irradiance data, enabling better business, information and asset management in the digital world. It allows asset managers room for improving the asset value while ensuring optimal functioning of the solar fleet. Reliable satellite-to-irradiance-based health checks for Asset Managers Steady performance quality remains an issue in solar asset management and triggers the demand for reliable, high-quality operational

Forecasting at EU PVSEC 2019

Come and join us at the European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 09 - 13 September 2019, at the Marseille Chanot Convention and Exhibition Centre. Reuniwatt will present the latest advances in forecasting at the 36th EU PVSEC Reuniwatt has been working on the improvement of irradiance & production forecasts since the foundation of the company in 2010. Using an all-sky imager helps

Forecast integration into hybrid plant controls

Our colleague Olivier Liandrat recently presented our advances in short-term forecasting for microgrid applications at the Hybrid Power Systems Workshop 2019 in Crete, Greece.Integrating Renewables into MicrogridsPV-Diesel hybrid plants have been established as one choice for the electrification of isolated and remote communities and off-grid plants for C&I applications. PV energy reduces the costs while diesel compensates the PV variability risk. In our research project,

The importance of innovation at Reuniwatt

Innovation is the cornerstone of Reuniwatt's strategy, which is why we engage on many R&D Partnerships. But there's also hands-on research happening within our company! Research increases forecast accuracy In a joint research project of Reuniwatt and Université de La Réunion, Dr. Frederik Kurzrock recently obtained his PhD in atmospheric physics at HQ location Reunion Island. His dissertation "Geostationary satellite data assimilation with limited-area models

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