Monthly Archives: December 2022

Cutting-edge solutions for high-resolution cloud cover and solar power forecasting

Solar power is set to occupy an increasingly important role in Europe, as the European Union (EU) strives to implement its Green Deal, reduce fossil fuel imports and increase the share of renewables in its final energy consumption. Energy producers can use Reuniwatt’s solar power forecasts to estimate how much energy they will be able to generate from the solar resource on a given

[Webinar Series] Launch of MTG satellite: data journey from space to solar plants

[Webinar Series] Launch of MTG satellite: data journey from space to solar plants EUMETSAT has been monitoring weather and climate from space for decades. With the MTG (Meteosat Third Generation) system, it has launched one of the most innovative weather satellite systems ever built: the benefits of this investment along the value chain of satellite data are huge. In this webinar, we’ll explore

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