Monthly Archives: June 2023

MTG satellite system: Better nowcasts ahead

Building on the decades-long legacy of Meteosat’s first- and second-generation satellites, Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) will orbit the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 km with a stable view of Europe and Africa. It's launch offers multiple opportunities outside the space sector. MTG satellite system features and improvements EUMETSAT has provided society with more than three decades worth of satellite data, starting with the

ICEM 2023

Reuniwatt's CTO Nicolas Sébastien will represent Reuniwatt during the World Meteorological Organization's 7th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology, ICEM, which will take place in Padova, Italy, from 27-29 June. ICEM 2023 The purpose of ICEM 2023 is to provide a dedicated forum where scientists, engineers, economists, policy makers, social scientists, and other specialists and practitioners involved in research and implementation of weather and

Meteo Data Quality: Don’t overlook the basics

Weather and environmental parameters are key factors affecting PV performance. Over the years, the accuracy of the yield prediction has increased. Still, the fundamental question remains when considering development of a new solar plant: how much energy will it generate? Many parameters are subject to tough discussions between a project’s different stakeholders. One of them is future performance, and the question regarding solar resource

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