Power forecasting for grid management plays a vital role in the massive and secure injection of green electrons into the grid.

The use of green energy, which relies on weather conditions, sets new challenges for grid operators. Indeed, the latter have to adapt the existing energy structure to integrate more renewable energy sources. This has to be done while maintaining the same level of quality (voltage and frequency) and of reliability (avoiding blackouts) in supplying electricity.

Plan energy production

Plan energy production

Transmission system operators (TSOs) coordinate electricity handover and are responsible for maintaining instantaneous grid stability. Consequently, power forecasting for grid management is necessary to plan the coming day’s production units.

Consider distributed energy production

Consider distributed energy production

Distributed energy generation reconstruction helps distribution system operators (DSOs) avoid local voltage disruptions. Modelling and forecasting on medium and low voltage grids, hard to oversee, are a real challenge of grid management.

Calculate reserve requirements

Calculate reserve requirements

Renewable generation can vary by nearly 80% within seconds. Therefore, significant primary reserve capacities can be summoned to overcome such variations. Each year, several million euros are used to this purpose. Power forecasting reduces grid management costs.

Products & Services

In order to guarantee optimal transmission and distribution, Reuniwatt has developed power forecasting for grid management:

  • HourCast™: By having real time access to meteorological satellites’ images, Reuniwatt is able to offer power forecasting for grid management activities. With HourCast™, the forecasts are available for the next hours, with frequent updates. This technology is used for country and portfolio forecasts. Moreover, it also refines day-ahead forecasts. Read more

  • DayCast: Based on a hybridization of numerous weather data, DayCast is the most efficient forecasting method for 1 to 7-day ahead forecasts. Read more

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