Middle East Electricity 2019
We are thrilled to announce our participation to the next edition of Middle East Electricity, the leading event for the power industry in the Middle East, that will take place in Dubai, UAE from 5.-7. March 2019.
We are thrilled to announce our participation to the next edition of Middle East Electricity, the leading event for the power industry in the Middle East, that will take place in Dubai, UAE from 5.-7. March 2019.
We will present our recent advances in terms of cloud observation and short-term forecasting at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world taking place in Washington, D.C. from 10.-14. December 2018. Come and discuss with us! Our representative will present three posters featuring our key technologies: Title: Cloud Base Height Retrieval from a Ground
Solar Asset Management is Europe's leading conference dedicated to the optimisation of the operational phase of PV plants and portfolios. It is a yearly meeting for all players involved in asset management and O&M issues in operational PV. It will take place in Milan on October 23-24. Book a meeting with our team during this major event to discuss your needs in terms of
Come and meet us at the next Meteorological Technology World Expo, the world’s largest meteorological event taking place in Amsterdam, Netherlands from 10.-12. October 2018.
Reuniwatt will be at Intersolar Europe, the world’s leading exhibition for the solar industry, from June 20-22 in Munich, Germany. Our team is more impatient than ever to be there, meet with you, and discuss the future of energy.
New challenges arise with the integration of high shares of renewables (wind, solar, hydro) into microgrids and so-called hybrid power systems. The 3rd International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop will gather international experts for fruitful discussions and experience sharing in Tenerife on the 8-9 May. One challenge of island grids and micro-grids is to maintain the balance between production and consumption. Diesel generators are still
Reuniwatt will be present at E-world energy and water, Europe’s leading energy trade fair, for the fourth year in a row. From February 6-8 in Essen, Germany, our team will be more than happy to meet you.
The 7th and 8th of November will take place Solar Asset Management Europe, the conference dedicated to the optimization of the PV plants and portfolio operation and management. During two days, O&M service providers, asset managers an other industry stakeholders share their best practices and discuss about the key challenges that the activity will face in the coming years. Once again, Reuniwatt will take part
Reuniwatt is now a member of the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG). UVIG is the leading source of global expertise for wind and solar operations and power system integration. It is the only professional organization exclusively focused on providing one-of-a-kind industry insights, research and advancements; the acceleration of industry change through timely research, analysis and distribution of relevant information; and access to a collection of
This year again, Reuniwatt will participate in the International Conference on Energy & Meteorology, organised by the World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC). The WEMC is a non-profit organisation devoted to promoting and enhancing the interaction between the energy industry and the weather, climate and broader environmental sciences community. The conference theme for ICEM 2017 is: Challenges in Weather, Climate & Water Services for Energy. It