[Webinar Series] AI in Meteorology: Intelligent camera cloud operators for numerical weather prediction
The project ICamCloudOps, funded by BMVI/mFUND, invites you to a webinar presenting the intermediate results of the project to the public. ICamCloudOps is a cooperation between DWD, the german weather service, and Reuniwatt, funded by mFUND, the “modernity fund” of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI). The project that started in May 2020 aims at the development and evaluation of new so-called “forward operators” for numerical weather prediction that employ artificial intelligence and ground-based camera observations of the atmosphere. The main goal of the project is to improve hour-scale forecasts of clouds and cloud-related phenomena such as rain or thunderstorms. While the weather has major impacts on the entire transport sector (air, road, rail, water), ICamCloudOps makes use of machine learning methods and innovative data sources for improved weather forecasts.
This year’s ICamCloudOps webinar is addressing:
About the speakers:
Prof. Roland Potthast, Head of Division FE 1 at DWD and project coordinator of the mFUND project ICamCloudOps will give an introduction to the project and explain how ICamCloudOps will advance the state of the art in cloud cover forecasting.
Dr. Walter Acevedo and Dr. Maria Reinhardt, research scientists at DWD, will explain the use of AI for cloud detection and modelling and discuss the assimilation of sky camera observations into weather models.
Dr. Frederik Kurzrock, energy meteorologist at Reuniwatt, and Dr. Leonhard Scheck, research area director at the Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research will deliver talks about radiative transfer and cloud information retrieval using infrared sky imagers and radiation modeling for IR- and VIS-cams. Finally, Dr. Maria Reinhardt will conclude the webinar with details on combining VIS and infrared observations. We are looking forward to an interesting scientific discussion!

Prof. Roland Potthast
Head of NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction) @DWD

Dr. Frederik Kurzrock
Energy meteorologist @Reuniwatt

Dr. Maria Reinhardt
Machine learning research scientist @DWD

Dr. Leonhard Scheck
Research area director @Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research, LMU Munich

Dr. Walter Acevedo
Machine learning research scientist @DWD

About Reuniwatt (www.reuniwatt.com)
Reuniwatt is a major player of the solar radiation and cloud cover assessment and forecasting. Based on solid Research and Development works, the company offers reliable products and services intended for professionals of various fields, making the best out of two key facets of the meteorology: atmospheric physics and data sciences. A particular focus has been placed on solar energy forecasting, while developing cutting edge solutions to improve the short-term prediction of the solar resource.
The company has won many grants, including H2020’s SME Phase 1 programme, which makes Reuniwatt a European Champion with regard to innovation. Reuniwatt has also been selected among the national fast-growing companies to join the prestigious French Tech 120 programme in 2020, and remains a part of the selection for 2021.

About DWD (dwd.de)
Germany’s National Meteorological Service, the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), is responsible for meeting meteorological requirements arising from all areas of economy and society in Germany. It is a public institution with partial legal capacity under the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure. DWD is a leader in R&D of Numerical Weather Prediction Models and meteorological algorithms and applications.