This year, Reuniwatt will participate in several presentations at EU PVSEC:

Poster: satellite cloud imagery method

On Tuesday 15., don’t miss the presentation of our new poster: “Soleksat, a fexible solar irradiance forecasting tool using satellite images and geographic web-services”, during the session 5BV.1 from 08:30 – 10:00, on the topic of Meteorology, Online Monitoring, IR imaging

Oral presentation: task 46 joint benchmark on satellite-based forecasting performance

On Thursday 17., Elke Lorenz from the University of Oldenburg will present the result of a joint study in collaboration with Reuniwatt, conducted within the framework of IEA’s Task 46, during the session 5DP.1 from 09:50 – 11:20, entitled “Comparison of Irradiance Forecasts Based on Numerical Weather Prediction and Satellite Data for Central and Northern Europe”

Oral presentation; Reuniwatt's expertise at the service of PV performance monitoring

On Thursday 17., our Chief Technology Officer Nicolas Sébastien will talk about our expertise in “Improving PV system monitoring using big data analytics and remote sensing” at 12:00, as part of European Photovoltaic Technology Platform‘s conference on PV performance and reliability, in Room 14.

PV System Performance and Reliability – Quo Vadis?
Have a look at the full program of this conference and register for free!


Our team at EU PVSEC 2014

Meet us at EU PVSEC 2015
Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to schedule an appointment with our representatives at EU PVSEC.