Webinar Series Part 19:

No Clouds on the Horizon: The Future Looks Bright for FSOC

In this webinar, you will learn more about the current challenges of FSOC,  and what is necessary to ensure reliable ground to space and space to ground links through the atmosphere.

Topics discussed

  • The latest advancements in free-space optical communications
  • Using dense multiwavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) also in the space domain to achieve terabits per second data rates per link
  • Ensuring reliable, robust optical communication past the clouds and near urban centers instead of mountain tops for such links
  • State-of-the-art weather forecasts for ensuring optical link availability and selecting the most suitable optical ground station from the available network

Dr. Szymon Gładysz, Adaptive Optics Group Leader @Fraunhofer IOSB

Carsten Fechtmann, S @Mynaric
Olivier Liandrat, Sky Imaging Team Leader @Reuniwatt

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