Webinar Series Part 20:

Contrails observations webinar

Contrails observations with cameras and satellites – from lab to airfield?

Contrails detection and observation has been a topic investigated by researchers since several years, but the development is reaching a new peak with the first commercial airlines interested in applying MET services capable of predicting the eco-sensitive areas, as well as monitoring their evolution in real time.

In this webinar, we’ll explore state-of-the-art technology for detecting and monitoring contrails, and showcase two different methods mastering the technical challenge of contrail identification and evaluation.

Topics discussed

  • state-of-the-art methods for detecting and monitoring contrails and cirrus clouds
  • using all-sky imagers as a way to observe and match contrails from the ground
  • how satellite data and deep learning enable us to detect contrails amongst natural clouds
  • the potential and limitations of technologies used for contrail avoidance

Language: English

Initial broadcast date: October 10th, 2024

Philippe Very

Senior Data Scientist – Aviation Sustainibility Unit @EUROCONTROL


Dinesh Sanekommu Google contrails team lead

Dinesh Sanekommu

Product Manager at Google Research @Google


Sarah Vadillo-Quesada

Business Developer @Reuniwatt

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