Monthly Archives: June 2017

Reuniwatt at UVIG’s 2017 Forecasting Workshop

Reuniwatt is now a member of the Utility Variable-Generation Integration Group (UVIG). UVIG is the leading source of global expertise for wind and solar operations and power system integration. It is the only professional organization exclusively focused on providing one-of-a-kind industry insights, research and advancements; the acceleration of industry change through timely research, analysis and distribution of relevant information; and access to a collection of

Reuniwatt at the 4th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology (ICEM)

This year again, Reuniwatt will participate in the International Conference on Energy & Meteorology, organised by the World Energy & Meteorology Council (WEMC). The WEMC is a non-profit organisation devoted to promoting and enhancing the interaction between the energy industry and the weather, climate and broader environmental sciences community. The conference theme for ICEM 2017 is: Challenges in Weather, Climate & Water Services for Energy. It

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