Daily Archives: June 26, 2019

Forecast integration into hybrid plant controls

Our colleague Olivier Liandrat recently presented our advances in short-term forecasting for microgrid applications at the Hybrid Power Systems Workshop 2019 in Crete, Greece.Integrating Renewables into MicrogridsPV-Diesel hybrid plants have been established as one choice for the electrification of isolated and remote communities and off-grid plants for C&I applications. PV energy reduces the costs while diesel compensates the PV variability risk. In our research project,

The importance of innovation at Reuniwatt

Innovation is the cornerstone of Reuniwatt's strategy, which is why we engage on many R&D Partnerships. But there's also hands-on research happening within our company! Research increases forecast accuracy In a joint research project of Reuniwatt and Université de La Réunion, Dr. Frederik Kurzrock recently obtained his PhD in atmospheric physics at HQ location Reunion Island. His dissertation "Geostationary satellite data assimilation with limited-area models

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