Monthly Archives: May 2020

Forecasting Morocco’s Solar Generation

The Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy, the government agency established to realize the country’s solar ambitions, laid the base for the Noor-Ouarzazate complex, which accelerated the commercial adoption of large-scale solar installations in Morocco and elsewhere. Reuniwatt is proud to serve the most efficient use of solar technology by providing solar irradiance forecasts for MASEN. The World's Largest Concentrated Solar Plant Ouarzazate is located

R&D: Artificial intelligence for data assimilation and sky cameras

Clouds, precipitation and wind have a significant and direct impact on all levels of traffic. Reuniwatt and DWD, the German Meteorological Service, are cooperating in an innovative project, ICamCloudOps (Intelligent Camera Cloud Operators for NWP), to research and promote Artificial Intelligence methods to improve wind and cloud analyses for numerical weather prediction (NWP) models and thus forecasts of cloudiness, precipitation, and wind. AI methods for

Europe Day 2020 – From a Green Deal to a green future?

Happy Europe Day 2020! On 9 May 1950, Robert Schuman issued a declaration which marked the beginning of the process of building the European Community. But this year’s Europe Day might be different from others – Covid-19 requires a new solidarity between european citizens and member states. But #EuropeansagainstCovid is not the only reason why we need to discuss what kind of european solidarity

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