Monthly Archives: December 2023

Unlimited irradiance estimates for any territory of your choice

Reuniwatt provides Sunology with weather data for its STREAM app for the real-time monitoring of solar production: Sunology, the French leader in residential solar systems that require no complicated work or assembly, has selected Reuniwatt, the market leader for estimating and forecasting solar irradiance, for a collaboration. Supporting residential solar power producers STREAM is Sunology's brand new mobile application. It helps residential solar plant

New white paper: High Penetration Renewables for Mines

Many mines operate 24/7 with limited fluctuations in their load profiles. The economic viability of a hybrid power plant combining solar power, wind power, BESS and thermal units can be anticipated using Dornier Suntrace's in-house modelling tool AHEAD. Forecasts of energy yields of renewable generation, as provided by Reuniwatt, are an essential tool to optimise the injection of solar and wind energy into the

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