Power forecasting for energy trading is a necessary tool on spot markets.
So as to accurately forecast a plant’s production, it is necessary to collect and analyse a great number of meteorological and market data. This will eventually help balance one’s renewable energy portfolio and optimise profits. Energy volumes are then bought or sold in order to match the forecasts as closely as possible. Intraday and day-ahead forecasts, for a portfolio of plants or an entire country, thus represent a powerful asset for energy trading.
Optimise bids on the different markets
Optimise bids on the different markets
As a joint effort with its clients, Reuniwatt has developed robust and market-adapted forecasting solutions for energy trading. These solutions are available both for the intraday and day-ahead markets.
Reduce portfolio balancing costs
Reduce portfolio balancing costs
The use of power forecasting for energy trading enables to optimise bids to improve portfolio management. That way, the need in terms of particularly expensive balancing and reserve power mechanisms is lessened.
Anticipate electricity spot prices
Anticipate electricity spot prices
Power forecasts for entire countries or geographical areas permit to anticipate the impact of variable energies on electricity spot prices. For more details, download our case study.
Products & Services
Thanks to Reuniwatt, enjoy the most efficient power forecasting technologies. Improve your trading activity’s profitability with:
Energy trading services
Portfolio Forecasts
Our Portfolio Forecasts product is entirely tailored. It comprises solar or wind production forecasting for a portfolio of installations, in the coming hours and days, thanks to our Hour Cast and/or DayCast technologies. This product is necessary to manage direct marketing for a renewable portfolio.

Country Forecasts
Our Country Forecasts product offers forecasts for a country’s whole PV or wind power production or for a TSO’s (Transmission System Operator) entire control area.
Country Forecasts integrates Reuniwatt’s HourCast™ and DayCast technologies. It is particularly useful to anticipate electricity’s spot prices.