Etienne Buessler

About Etienne Buessler

Etienne is a key account manager and solutions manager at Reuniwatt. He joined the team after graduating at Grenoble INP as a Processes for Energy and Environment engineer and specializing in Management, Innovation and Technologies. He studies the energy market apparatus and leads Business Development missions.

Meet us at Intersolar 2017

From the 31st of May to the 2nd of June 2017, will take place Intersolar, the largest solar market trade show in Europe. Around 40,000 visitors will have the opportunity to meet in Munich more than 1,000 companies active in the sector.  Intersolar, the crossroad of solar energy market players After three successful participations since 2014, Reuniwatt will present its cutting-edge technologies and its tailor-made products.

‘Understanding Clouds’ – World Meteorological Day

'Understanding Clouds' was the theme of World Meteorological Day 2017 (on 23/03) to highlight the enormous importance of clouds for weather climate and water. Clouds are central to weather observations and forecasts. Clouds are one of the key uncertainties in the study of climate change. Clouds play a critical role in the water cycle and shaping the global distribution of water resources. Have a look

Pollutec 2016: get your free badge and book a meeting

Come meet us at Pollutec 2016, the 27th international exhibition of environmental equipment technologies and services in Lyon, from 29th November-2nd December. Pollutec brings together professionals from around the world to discuss about innovative solutions that allows the reduction of the impact of human activities on the environment, whether it be in industry, local authorities or in the service sector. As an actor of

How the solar eclipse challenged the electricity grid in La Réunion

On September 1st, 2016, Reunion Island was on the front row to witness an extraordinary astronomical show: an annular eclipse. How did this rare event impact the photovoltaic generation, and the management of the local power grid? The Moon gradually blotted out the Sun in the morning of September 1st, successively casting its shadow from Equatorial Africa to the south of the Indian Ocean. Located

Storage, a solution to the variability of renewable energy sources

The energy revolution is underway and is supported by the increasing development of renewable energy sources (RES). Indeed, in 2015, the use of green energy accounted for 134 GW of additional power capacity, more than 50% of the overall development. Solar and wind installations represented the majority of this new generation. These two energies are called variable. A phenomenon that affects RE operators and which

Intersolar Europe and EU PVSEC

Reuniwatt will attend the leading european exhibition for the solar industry and its partners: Intersolar Europe, which will take place from 22.-24. June, in Munich, Germany. We will be presenting our reasearch work at EU PVSEC, which takes place in Munich at the same time Europe's biggest solar show will take place once again in Munich, from the 22-24 June. Come meet us there

Smart grids, an evolution of the grid for the energy transition

The 21st century is marked by a general awareness about environmental concerns. Facing these challenges, the EU has adopted ambitious targets for its member countries: achieve by 2020 the "3x20" climate plan, namely: - Increase to 20% the share of renewable energies (RE) in the energy mix - Reduce by 20% the C02 emissions compared to 1990 - Increase energy efficiency by 20% This new

Solar irradiance work to be presented at EGU’s conference

Reuniwatt will participate to the European Geosciences Union's (EGU) General Assembly, where it will disseminate diverse aspects of its work on solar irradiance measurement and forecasting to the scientific community. The EGU General Assembly, which takes place in Vienna, Austria, from April 17.-22, brings together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences.

E-World Energy & Water 2016: Europe’s Premier Energy Fair

For the second year in a row, Reuniwatt will be at E-World Energy & Water. This major energy trade fair will take place in Essen, Germany, from 16 - 18 February. Our representatives will present our new products, including dedicated solar energy forecasting tools for energy trading. Indeed, the increasing volumes of renewable energy sources traded on the spot market lead to new challenges for energy

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