
About Hannah Bergler

Hannah has studied Physics, Politology and Italian in Germany. As an avid science journalist and with a scientific background in solar forecasting, she is now supporting Reuniwatt as as content creator.

Forecasting Pioneers in Reunion Island

Policy-makers around the world recognize the value that investing in R&D can give back to society, and that the researchers and innovators of today will help shape our future. With such a mindset, one sees the diversity of the topological and climatic conditions, but also the limitations of an island as an opportunity for the development of new solutions. Reuniwatt is a pioneer in solar

How Renewables change the face of a tropical island

Thanks to the government’s strategy and financial incentives, the energy market on Reunion Island is changing rapidly towards a more sustainable future. Today, more than 60% of the island's homes have solar water heaters installed on their roofs. Since the early 2000’s, public policies have largely incentivized photovoltaic solar energy in Reunion Island, making it a test lab for renewables - on- and off-grid. Reunion

Excellence in R&D: E-SPACE Monitoring wins support of EU

Since its founding, Reuniwatt has been active in solar irradiance assessment and forecasting. Our objective is to make performance monitoring more reliable and provide the best quality performance assessment. As a highly innovative company, our R&D excellence has been recognized by the EU, which granted Reuniwatt support for the development of e-SPACE monitoring as part of the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument. The H2020 SME

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