Download our case study: Solar forecasting for system operators

Solar energy is the most abundant energy resource on the planet: the solar energy that strikes the Earth’s surface in one hour is approximately the same as the amount consumed by all human activities in one year. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), today, photovoltaic (PV) energy provides 0.1% of the total worldwide electricity production. In the IEA Solar PV Roadmap vision, PV

Reuniwatt and SOLARC launch their joint product S3G during EU PVSEC 2014

SOLARC, leading innovative solar product vendor and Reuniwatt, solar power production forecasting pioneer are proud to announce they are launching a joint product named S3G during the 2014 edition of EU PVSEC, in Amsterdam. Reuniwatt is an expert in solar power forecasting, thanks to its unique and patented decision-making tool, Soleka. SOLARC has a proven expertise in the design and manufacturing of solar reference

Europe Day 2014

Reuniwatt wishes you a happy Europe Day! Reuniwatt vous souhaite une bonne Journée de l'Europe ! Reuniwatt wünscht Ihnen einen guten Rutsch ins Europa-Tag! Reuniwatt les desea un feliz Día de Europa! Reuniwatt vi augura un Felice Giornata dell'Europa! Reuniwatt deseja-lhe um dia feliz Europa! Reuniwatt vă dorește un Happy Ziua Europei! Reuniwatt σας εύχεται Καλή Ημέρα της Ευρώπης! Reuniwatt kíván Boldog Európa Nap!

Reuniwatt blog launch

Reuniwatt launches its blog to keep you informed of our company news (projects, awards, events), but also of important PV news around the world. Our first article will treat of our latest event to date: our participation in the Innovation Datings on Monday April 7th 2014, an event organised by the Club Open Innovation. For its eighth edition, the Datings focused on Smart Energies.

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