Press room

Reuniwatt celebrates its 15-year anniversary

Reuniwatt, a leader in cloud observation and solar irradiance estimation and forecasts, marks its 15th anniversary. The company's flagship product, the infrared all-sky imager Sky InSight™, continues to revolutionize renewable energy and atmospheric sciences alike. Reuniwatt, a pioneer in cloud observation and solar irradiance forecasting, proudly celebrates its 15th anniversary, marking a significant milestone in its journey towards empowering the renewable energy transition. Since

EO4ER winning project at ESA’s next Open Science Meeting

EO4ER (“Earth Observation for Energy Risks”) has been selected by ESA in the context of the Destination Earth (DestinE) flagship initiative, to develop a Digital Twin Component prototype for the energy sector. EO4ER’s consortium is composed of IT and cutting-edge software development specialist OHB Digital Services, THU’s application-orientated Smart Grids Research Group and cloud estimation and forecasting expert Reuniwatt. Reuniwatt, OHB Digital Services and

La Réunion – testbed for solar innovation in pv magazine

Local businesses play a significant role in Reunion Island's renewable energy initiatives, with companies like Reuniwatt and Albioma leading the way in innovation and implementation. A recent article in pv magazine highlights their contributions. You can find the article in the pv magazine Photovoltaic markets and technologies 07 & 08 2024 edition, pp. 46-77. Transforming the Electricity Grid in Reunion Reunion Island has emerged

Infrared all-sky imagers at airports in MTI magazine

Meteorological conditions play an important role in air traffic safety, and highly accurate real-time weather data is essential for air traffic management. In its latest edition, Meteorological Technology International has dedicated an article to next level cloud observation, featuring Reuniwatt's sky imager Sky InSight. You can find the article in the September 2024 edition, pp. 105-107. Taking the right decisions: cloud analysis for aviation

Solar hybrid projekt Fekola Mine

More and more mining companies are installing solar panels on their own sites to generate clean energy for their operations. If there is a grid connection, they can partner with solar energy providers to purchase solar energy from external sources and use it in their operations. Fekola Mine is one such flagship project of Reuniwatt, and in the mining industry in general. Solar energy

Sky imagers: Assessing the climate impact of condensation trails

The images provided by Reuniwatt's sky imagers are an outstanding tool for cloud-related research. Forecasting the impact of condensation trails – so-called contrails – is one goal our sky imagers help to achieve.  Different research projects aim to provide tools to monitor the climate impact of contrails and forecast contrail formation. Learn more about contrails observation using sky imagers and the R&D projects featuring

Reuniwatt in the Press: Trust the forecast

Trust-PV is a four-year, EU-funded project featuring 21 PV value chain partners who aim to improve the performance of solar projects. French business Reuniwatt has published the ‘Forecasting for advanced operational stability’ study to improve stability at the point of grid connection. Marion Lafuma, business development manager for Reuniwatt, looks at its key findings. Improving the accuracy of energy yield forecasts will help PV

MTG satellite system: Better nowcasts ahead

Building on the decades-long legacy of Meteosat’s first- and second-generation satellites, Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) will orbit the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 km with a stable view of Europe and Africa. It's launch offers multiple opportunities outside the space sector. MTG satellite system features and improvements EUMETSAT has provided society with more than three decades worth of satellite data, starting with the

Meteo Data Quality: Don’t overlook the basics

Weather and environmental parameters are key factors affecting PV performance. Over the years, the accuracy of the yield prediction has increased. Still, the fundamental question remains when considering development of a new solar plant: how much energy will it generate? Many parameters are subject to tough discussions between a project’s different stakeholders. One of them is future performance, and the question regarding solar resource

Monitoring cloud evolution in the context of climate change

The DYVALOCCA project is a collaboration between French, German and Gabonese partners. Reuniwatt's Sky InSight (infrared all-sky imager) was used during a field campaign to monitor the evolution of clouds and evaluate their effects on water and light availability in a forest along the Atlantic coast of Central Africa. Low clouds are key components of climate. However, they are rarely well represented in weather

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