[Webinar Series] Introduction to TRUST-PV

[Webinar] EU innovation Project: TRUST-PV insights and three Perspectives Reuniwatt, EURAC research, BayWa r.e. Italy and Solar Power Europe are dedicated to help achieve a more grid-friendly integration of solar power in the EU and enable optimized grid stability and operations as a result of TRUST-PV, a 4-year research project with over 12 million grant value from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme.

Europe Day 2014

Reuniwatt wishes you a happy Europe Day! Reuniwatt vous souhaite une bonne Journée de l'Europe ! Reuniwatt wünscht Ihnen einen guten Rutsch ins Europa-Tag! Reuniwatt les desea un feliz Día de Europa! Reuniwatt vi augura un Felice Giornata dell'Europa! Reuniwatt deseja-lhe um dia feliz Europa! Reuniwatt vă dorește un Happy Ziua Europei! Reuniwatt σας εύχεται Καλή Ημέρα της Ευρώπης! Reuniwatt kíván Boldog Európa Nap!

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