
PV plants + storage with forecasting: solutions for energy transition the French overseas territories

In this article, Amandine Martins of Reuniwatt, Bruno Daugrois of Naldeo Technlogies & Industries and Amélie Belfort of Synergîle detail the interest of PV + storage with forecasting for the french overseas territories, with the exemple of a 986 kWp photovoltaic power plant installed on the roof of a supermarket on Reunion Island and coupled with a lithium-ion battery with a storage capacity of 1200

Direct marketing arrives in France

In France, the law on energy transition for a green growth will put in place a new support scheme for renewable energy sources (RES) from the 1st of January 2016: direct marketing. Historical energy providers in France such as EDF (Electricité de France) must respect the public service missions given by the legislator. The development of renewable energies is one of them. It is

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