smart cities

Smart City, the city of tomorrow

The world is moving towards a population more and more present in cities, with an increasing centralisation of business centres. This causes an increase in the number of inhabitants in these areas. Indeed, the United Nations announced that in 2030, two out of three people would live in cities. If nothing is done to adapt these urban areas, they will lead to inevitable economic and

Smart grids, an evolution of the grid for the energy transition

The 21st century is marked by a general awareness about environmental concerns. Facing these challenges, the EU has adopted ambitious targets for its member countries: achieve by 2020 the "3x20" climate plan, namely: - Increase to 20% the share of renewable energies (RE) in the energy mix - Reduce by 20% the C02 emissions compared to 1990 - Increase energy efficiency by 20% This new

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