Case study: Lack of flexibility in European electrical systems leads to deteriorated grid management

How solar forecasting could avoid negative energy prices due to high renewable energy generation. The German market was affected on May 8th 2016 by an exceptional penetration of variable (solar and wind) renewable energy sources (RES) into the grid. The latter represented nearly 87% of the country’s electricity production, causing the occurrence of negative prices of about € -144.78 on the spot market throughout the

20th March solar eclipse: a real challenge for the electric grids?

The transmission system operators’ challenge The 20th March solar eclipse and its consequences on the European electric grids are on every lips. Indeed, the share of renewable energies has much progressed since the last similar phenomenon which took place in the summer of 1999. Back then, the solar installations were not so much widespread, and the energy production associated with them was too insignificant

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