Yearly Archives: 2018

How Renewables change the face of a tropical island

Thanks to the government’s strategy and financial incentives, the energy market on Reunion Island is changing rapidly towards a more sustainable future. Today, more than 60% of the island's homes have solar water heaters installed on their roofs. Since the early 2000’s, public policies have largely incentivized photovoltaic solar energy in Reunion Island, making it a test lab for renewables - on- and off-grid. Reunion

AGU Fall Meeting 2018: the largest Earth and space science meeting

We will present our recent advances in terms of cloud observation and short-term forecasting at the American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, the largest Earth and space science meeting in the world taking place in Washington, D.C. from 10.-14. December 2018. Come and discuss with us! Our representative will present three posters featuring our key technologies: Title: Cloud Base Height Retrieval from a Ground

Solar Asset Management 2018

Solar Asset Management is Europe's leading conference dedicated to the optimisation of the operational phase of PV plants and portfolios. It is a yearly meeting for all players involved in asset management and O&M issues in operational PV. It will take place in Milan on October 23-24. Book a meeting with our team during this major event to discuss your needs in terms of

Reuniwatt will be at the 3rd International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop

New challenges arise with the integration of high shares of renewables (wind, solar, hydro) into microgrids and so-called hybrid power systems. The 3rd International Hybrid Power Systems Workshop will gather international experts for fruitful discussions and experience sharing in Tenerife on the 8-9 May. One challenge of island grids and micro-grids is to maintain the balance between production and consumption. Diesel generators are still

Excellence in R&D: E-SPACE Monitoring wins support of EU

Since its founding, Reuniwatt has been active in solar irradiance assessment and forecasting. Our objective is to make performance monitoring more reliable and provide the best quality performance assessment. As a highly innovative company, our R&D excellence has been recognized by the EU, which granted Reuniwatt support for the development of e-SPACE monitoring as part of the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument. The H2020 SME

Reuniwatt to strengthen its meteorological offer

Reuniwatt, a French company specialised in cloud observation and forecasting, announced the arrival of Laurent Sauvage as an Executive Advisor. This position was created to support the growth of the company’s activities in the meteorological sector. Laurent Sauvage has a strong track record as an entrepreneur in the energy and meteorological markets, with 20 years of experience. His successes include the co-founding and scientific direction

Voltalia partners with Reuniwatt in its first solar plant in Brazil

Reuniwatt's ground sky imager will collect images that will help Voltalia get the best performance from its solar plant, located in Oiapoque, Brazil. Partnership for a groundbreaking PV-diesel system in Brazil Voltalia, an international energy producer from renewable sources, announces a partnership with Reuniwatt, a market leader in forecasting solutions, to perform very short-term solar forecasts through a ground sky imager for its first solar

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