
About Hannah Bergler

Hannah has studied Physics, Politology and Italian in Germany. As an avid science journalist and with a scientific background in solar forecasting, she is now supporting Reuniwatt as as content creator.

COAT 2025: Communications and Observations through Atmospheric Turbulence

Meet us at COAT Oberpfaffenhofen to learn how Reuniwatt's observational network and dataset catalogue can provide you with access to valuable data from installations across Europe.COAT 2025 - Communications and Observations through Atmospheric Turbulence COAT 2025 is a multidisciplinary workshop to address the biggest challenges in free-space optical propagation from astronomy to optical satellite links.Cloud monitoring and forecasting is critical for many industries. With tools from

[Webinar Series] Enhancing NWP through cloud observation and AI

[Webinar Series] Contrails in the climate system - enhancing NWP through cloud observation and AI The CONTRAILS project aims to provide tools to monitor the impact of contrails on climate. As a joint work of the German Weather Service DWD (DE), Thalès Research & Technology (FR), Reuniwatt SAS (FR) and Laboratoire atmosphères, milieux, observations spatiales (FR), the goal of the subproject at DWD

Reuniwatt celebrates its 15-year anniversary

Reuniwatt, a leader in cloud observation and solar irradiance estimation and forecasts, marks its 15th anniversary. The company's flagship product, the infrared all-sky imager Sky InSight™, continues to revolutionize renewable energy and atmospheric sciences alike. Reuniwatt, a pioneer in cloud observation and solar irradiance forecasting, proudly celebrates its 15th anniversary, marking a significant milestone in its journey towards empowering the renewable energy transition. Since

EO4ER winning project at ESA’s next Open Science Meeting

EO4ER (“Earth Observation for Energy Risks”) has been selected by ESA in the context of the Destination Earth (DestinE) flagship initiative, to develop a Digital Twin Component prototype for the energy sector. EO4ER’s consortium is composed of IT and cutting-edge software development specialist OHB Digital Services, THU’s application-orientated Smart Grids Research Group and cloud estimation and forecasting expert Reuniwatt. Reuniwatt, OHB Digital Services and

World Future Energy Summit 2025

Reuniwatt is excited to announce its participation in the World Future Energy Summit (WFES) 2025 in Abu Dhabi, where the focus will be on the critical importance of solar and wind forecasts for utility-scale projects. Committing to Wind and Solar The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is making significant strides in renewable energy, with ambitious goals set to double its clean energy capacity as part

AMS Annual Meeting 2025

Our presentation at AMS Annual Meeting 2025 We are excited to announce our participation in the AMS Annual Meeting 2025, where we will be presenting our research on "Leveraging Wide-Field of View Imagers to Improve the Instantaneous Cloud Amount Estimates". Join our presentation on tuesday, January 14, 2025 starting 2:15pm during Session 7.3. Cloud cover day and night measurement uncertainties persist due to subjective

Reuniwatt wishes a joyful and successful New Year!

Under the sun of Reunion Island, a small tech startup named Reuniwatt was born fifteen years ago, driven by a vision to harness the power of solar energy and mitigate the dependency on fossil fuels. Reuniwatt was founded during a period when the population was growing and energy consumption on the island was escalating rapidly. The island had set ambitious goals for renewable energy,

Accurate forecasts help minimize the need to curtail renewable energy production

Forecasts allow grid operators to take pre-emptive actions to maintain stability, especially during rapid changes in renewable generation or significant weather events. Wind and solar forecasts play a crucial role in the effective operation and management of wind and solar farms. By forecasting wind speed, direction and patterns, Reuniwatt helps the operators to anticipate the wind farm’s power output, aiding in efficient energy planning

Meet Reuniwatt at Energaia 2024!

On Dec 11-12, Reuniwatt's team will be present at Energaia 20244 in Montpellier, France. You can find our team on Booth F04 in Hall B2.Portfolio monitoring and forecastingSunSat Live is Reuniwatt's tool for real-time monitoring. It that can be quickly deployed anywhere on the planet. It allows for an unbiased and independent vision of the estimated irradiance over a portfolio of installations. We now offer

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