
About Hannah Bergler

Hannah has studied Physics, Politology and Italian in Germany. As an avid science journalist and with a scientific background in solar forecasting, she is now supporting Reuniwatt as as content creator.

Contrails in the climate system

The CONTRAILS project aims to develop and combine advanced trustworthy AI methods and physical models to improve contrail identification, characterization, data assimilation, and prediction. It aims to do this by achieving a better understanding of the overall physical process underlying their formation. CONTRAILS Project - AI for parameterization, data assimilation and prediction With respect to aerospace applications, the results of this project will provide

Happy New Year 2023!

Founded more than a decade ago in Reunion Island, where vanilla blossoms prosper, our cloud observation and forecasting solutions are now being used daily throughout hundreds of sites worldwide. In 2023, we're looking forward to welcoming new responsibilities and to continuing to exceed your expectations. A huge step forward is the availability of improved input data for our satellite-to-irradiance estimations thanks to the launch

Cutting-edge solutions for high-resolution cloud cover and solar power forecasting

Solar power is set to occupy an increasingly important role in Europe, as the European Union (EU) strives to implement its Green Deal, reduce fossil fuel imports and increase the share of renewables in its final energy consumption. Energy producers can use Reuniwatt’s solar power forecasts to estimate how much energy they will be able to generate from the solar resource on a given

[Webinar Series] Launch of MTG satellite: data journey from space to solar plants

[Webinar Series] Launch of MTG satellite: data journey from space to solar plants EUMETSAT has been monitoring weather and climate from space for decades. With the MTG (Meteosat Third Generation) system, it has launched one of the most innovative weather satellite systems ever built: the benefits of this investment along the value chain of satellite data are huge. In this webinar, we’ll explore

[Webinar Series] Decarbonising mines, cost reduction and energy security

[Webinar Series] Renewable hybrid energy solutions: Decarbonising mines, cost reduction and energy security The mining industry faces a complex challenge: how to provide the essential resources the modern global economy needs while reducing its own environmental impact. The integration of renewables and energy storage into its power system offers a number of opportunities for mines: making production more sustainable and reducing costs, while

[Webinar Series] Stabilizing grid operations through storage & forecasting

[Webinar Series] Stabilizing grid operations through storage & forecasting of renewable generation With last year’s Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme (RMIPPPP), South Africa has been enabling an even more rapid deployment of renewable energy sources. With solar and wind power’s variable electricity production, Eskom, as well as grid operators and utilities worldwide, are constantly adapting their requirements for renewable energy projects

Meteorological World Expo 2022

Meet us at the MTWE 2022 in Paris, France, October 11-13 at booth 6056 in hall 7.1. Book your slot with our team, including experts Damien Ceus and Laurent Sauvage. Whether you are an existing customer, or would like to get an overview of our portfolio or a tailored product recommendation - we are looking forward to seeing you there!

Reuniwatt at WindEnergy Hamburg 2022

Winds of Innovation are blowing at Reuniwatt - meet us at WindEnergy Hamburg 2022. Reuniwatt's team will welcome you at booth 126.2 in Hall B6, at the French Pavillon. WindEnergy Hamburg 2022: the winds of innovation blowing from France 26 French companies will showcase expertise, innovations and technologies for the global wind energy industry on the French Pavilion in Hall B6 on stands B6.127,

[Webinar Series] Asset Optimisation for Offgrid Projects using advanced performance analytics

[Webinar Series] Asset Optimisation for Offgrid Projects using advanced performance analytics Data analysis helps off-grid developers and operators optimise the overall performance of their installations. High-altitude settings and their environmental conditions impose particular challenges: They need to make sure the installation is ready for the most extreme situations possible. Robust solutions delivering high quality data are required for monitoring and optimising the assets'

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