
About Nicolas Berthozat

After studying engineering at Mines Nancy, Nicolas pursues the Master of Public Affairs at Sciences Po Paris. As a Reuniwatt intern, he develops forecasting models for solar energy production at country-scale, or data-visualisation platforms for clients.

Direct marketing arrives in France

In France, the law on energy transition for a green growth will put in place a new support scheme for renewable energy sources (RES) from the 1st of January 2016: direct marketing. Historical energy providers in France such as EDF (Electricité de France) must respect the public service missions given by the legislator. The development of renewable energies is one of them. It is

PV system performance monitoring: the importance of data

The deafening silence in the aisle of a photovoltaic plant contrasts with the bustle which reigns in a gas, oil or coal power plant. Failures and technical issues are silent, which empowers the data monitoring system: one must be able to detect any anomaly involving a loss of production to fix it. Disruptions might have different origins: a tree or a cable which shade

Towards a massive development of solar energy

Since the 1960’s, the French nuclear industry has provided a real price-competitiveness to electricity, which favoured companies and households. However, this domination of nuclear energy is challenged by emerging energies : we will see how the problematic of production cost is determining in after-crisis France where economic pragmatism outweighed environmental issues. The underlying question is actually the following: are renewable energies and solar energy especially

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