Industry news

Solar Asset Management with SunSat™ Digital Twin

Reuniwatt’s SunSat Digital Twin offers PV performance monitoring through satellite-to-irradiance data, enabling better business, information and asset management in the digital world. It allows asset managers room for improving the asset value while ensuring optimal functioning of the solar fleet. Reliable satellite-to-irradiance-based health checks for Asset Managers Steady performance quality remains an issue in solar asset management and triggers the demand for reliable, high-quality operational

Forecasting at EU PVSEC 2019

Come and join us at the European PV Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 09 - 13 September 2019, at the Marseille Chanot Convention and Exhibition Centre. Reuniwatt will present the latest advances in forecasting at the 36th EU PVSEC Reuniwatt has been working on the improvement of irradiance & production forecasts since the foundation of the company in 2010. Using an all-sky imager helps

Forecast integration into hybrid plant controls

Our colleague Olivier Liandrat recently presented our advances in short-term forecasting for microgrid applications at the Hybrid Power Systems Workshop 2019 in Crete, Greece.Integrating Renewables into MicrogridsPV-Diesel hybrid plants have been established as one choice for the electrification of isolated and remote communities and off-grid plants for C&I applications. PV energy reduces the costs while diesel compensates the PV variability risk. In our research project,

Forecasting Pioneers in Reunion Island

Policy-makers around the world recognize the value that investing in R&D can give back to society, and that the researchers and innovators of today will help shape our future. With such a mindset, one sees the diversity of the topological and climatic conditions, but also the limitations of an island as an opportunity for the development of new solutions. Reuniwatt is a pioneer in solar

How Renewables change the face of a tropical island

Thanks to the government’s strategy and financial incentives, the energy market on Reunion Island is changing rapidly towards a more sustainable future. Today, more than 60% of the island's homes have solar water heaters installed on their roofs. Since the early 2000’s, public policies have largely incentivized photovoltaic solar energy in Reunion Island, making it a test lab for renewables - on- and off-grid. Reunion

‘Understanding Clouds’ – World Meteorological Day

'Understanding Clouds' was the theme of World Meteorological Day 2017 (on 23/03) to highlight the enormous importance of clouds for weather climate and water. Clouds are central to weather observations and forecasts. Clouds are one of the key uncertainties in the study of climate change. Clouds play a critical role in the water cycle and shaping the global distribution of water resources. Have a look

Towards a single energy market in Europe

In the frame of the integration of national energy markets, European institutions show a willingness to encourage the harmonization and the liberalization of the EU internal energy market. To do so, the interconnection of the national electricity grids is a tremendous lever that give energy market players numerous opportunities, with several advantages for the end user. The advantages of a Single Energy Market are divided

How the solar eclipse challenged the electricity grid in La Réunion

On September 1st, 2016, Reunion Island was on the front row to witness an extraordinary astronomical show: an annular eclipse. How did this rare event impact the photovoltaic generation, and the management of the local power grid? The Moon gradually blotted out the Sun in the morning of September 1st, successively casting its shadow from Equatorial Africa to the south of the Indian Ocean. Located

Case study: Lack of flexibility in European electrical systems leads to deteriorated grid management

How solar forecasting could avoid negative energy prices due to high renewable energy generation. The German market was affected on May 8th 2016 by an exceptional penetration of variable (solar and wind) renewable energy sources (RES) into the grid. The latter represented nearly 87% of the country’s electricity production, causing the occurrence of negative prices of about € -144.78 on the spot market throughout the

Smart City, the city of tomorrow

The world is moving towards a population more and more present in cities, with an increasing centralisation of business centres. This causes an increase in the number of inhabitants in these areas. Indeed, the United Nations announced that in 2030, two out of three people would live in cities. If nothing is done to adapt these urban areas, they will lead to inevitable economic and

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