We are continuing our successful webinars series!

This autumn, Reuniwatt is proud to welcome proElux, Naldeo and Atmo as guest speakers in our webinar series.
We are looking forward to meeting you online! Register now for our free webinars:

Date Language Webinar Title
Webinar on Demand French Centrales PV+stockage avec prévision : solutions vectrices de transition énergétique dans les ZNI
Webinar on Demand English Deep Learning approaches for weather-dependent businesses
Webinar on Demand French Comment optimiser la performance des centrales solaires ?
Webinar on Demand English Lessons learned: Monitoring and improving remote assets
Webinar on Demand Spanish Lecciones aprendidas: Monitoreo y optimización de los activos remotos
Webinar on Demand German PV-Anlagen Performance: Erwartung vs. Realität
Webinar on Demand French Méga projet solaires et défis de l’intégration au réseau : l’expérience de Benban en Egypte
Webinar on Demand English Mega Solar Projects and Grid Integration Challenges – Benban’s return on experience
Webinar on Demand English Dispatchable PV+Storage Plants using MESA-ESS and precision forecasts based on sky cams
Webinar on Demand English Off-grid Solar: The Cost Saving Potential of Solar Hybrid Systems using forecasting and sky cams for Off-Grid Mines

Upcoming Webinars

Thank you for being interested in our live webinars!
Our webinar series will continue in 2021 – thank you for joining our discussions!

If you missed out, you can now watch all our webinars on demand.

Our last webinar of 2020 was  broadcasted on December 17th, 2020.

Past Webinars

Webinar Series – Part 6:

Deep Learning approaches for weather-dependent businesses

Language: English

Initial broadcast date: December 17th, 2020

Deep learning techniques can enhance and improve weather forecasting and help weather-dependent businesses to encounter the effects of weather proactively.
But how does it work and how can it help solve today’s business challenges?

After the Webinar you’ll have an understanding of:

  • Why deep learning can enhance weather forecasts for solar energy in comparison to the use of physical models and image processing technology
  • How deep learning works
  • A use case from PV production forecasting
  • Why weather-dependent businesses should consider machine-learning technology for weather forecasts
  • Biased data and the importance of a good data set
  • The wide range of applications of weather decision-making engines

Language: English

Initial broadcast date: December 17th, 2020

Would you like to access our webinar on demand “Deep Learning approaches for weather-dependent businesses“?

Webinar Series – Part 5:

Prévisions et systèmes de gestion de l’énergie pour les projets CRE ZNI

This webinar deals with grid code requirements on French Islands. More info here.

Language: French

Initial broadcast date: November 26th, 2020

Webinar Series – Part 4:

Off-grid Solar: The Cost Saving Potential of Solar Hybrid Systems using forecasting and sky cams for Off-Grid Mines

Add-on solar and storage solutions help mining businesses make their operations more sustainable. Resource Extraction has been relying on fossil fuels for decades, and is now turning towards add-on renewables. Suntrace and Reuniwatt we will share their experience in the design and actual operation of off-grid solar projects, particularly for mines.

After the Webinar you’ll have an understanding of:

  • The electricity cost reduction potential through hybridization with low cost solar power for mining operations
  • The reliable integration into the existing off-grid power generation system
  • The role of short-term forecasting for a sucessful integration
  • Case Study results for HFO fuelled power generation combined with solar PV and battery storage, and for diesel power generation combined with solar PV

Language: English

Initial broadcast date: September 3rd, 2020

Would you like to access our webinar on demand “Off-grid Solar: The Cost Saving Potential of Solar Hybrid Systems using forecasting and sky cams for Off-Grid Mines“?


Webinar Series – Part 3:

Dispatchable PV+Storage Plants using MESA-ESS and precision forecasts based on sky cams

All-sky imagers are a key enabler for the dispatchable solar concept and necessary to improve energy integration. Solar and energy storage projects for public and private utilities benefit from irradiance and production forecasts – learn from 8minute’s pioneering Springbok Solar Cluster.

After the Webinar you’ll have an understanding of:

  • A pioneer mega-scale project with unique features
  • An innovative sky imager and a tracking system
  • Why dispatchable solar paired with solar forecasting and energy storage will be the backbone of the 21st-Century grid
  • How solar short-term forecasts can be used for active power smoothing
  • How an advanced control solution coupled with high-accuracy forecasts will allow you to achieve multiple control modes

Language: English

Initial broadcast date: July 9th, 2020

Would you like to access our webinar on demand “Dispatchable PV+Storage Plants using MESA-ESS and precision forecasts based on sky cams“?


Webinar Series – Part 2:

Mega Solar Projects and Grid Integration Challenges – Benban’s return on experience

Designing and realizing mega-projects like Benban Solar Park brings along its own challenges. In our webinar Voltalia discusses the history of Benban’s commissioning and its particularities related to the project’s enormous size, while Reuniwatt presents the aspect of weather and production forecasting.

After the Webinar you’ll have an understanding of:

  • The essential points to be addressed in order to integrate a mega project into the grid (requirements of the grid operator, compliance list, technical specifications).
  • The limitations applied by the grid operator to allow the production of the solar complex to be regulated (specifications in the grid code and connection points).
  • How climatic challenges to be overcome in desert areas.
  • How forecasting helps maintain the supply-demand balance

Language: English

Initial broadcast date: October 15th, 2020

Would you like to access our webinar on demand “Mega Solar Projects and Grid Integration Challenges – Benban’s return on experience“?

Webinar Series – Part 1:

Lessons learned: Monitoring and improving remote assets

How to achieve a better solar park performance. Get an overview of best practices developed by Reuniwatt, Arconi Solutions and Topbis Reunion from more than 30 years of experience!

After the Webinar you’ll have an understanding of:

  • How to compare a plant’s production to the production expected in the business plan, and for which reasons the performance differ from what was expected.
  • How to avoid wrong diagnosis and plan for site inspection only when needed
  • How to detect plant failure and early ageing
  • How to better mitigate the weather related risks of your solar assets

Language: English/French/Spanish

Initial broadcast date: May 5th, 2020

Would you like to access our webinar on demand “Lessons learned: Monitoring and improving remote assets“?


The german version of this webinar series puts a special focus on different KPIs for Solar Asset Management:

About Reuniwatt (www.reuniwatt.com)

      • Reuniwatt is a major player of the solar radiation and cloud cover assessment and forecasting. Based on solid Research and Development works, the company offers reliable products and services intended for professionals of various fields, making the best out of two key facets of the meteorology: atmospheric physics and data sciences. A particular focus has been placed on solar energy forecasting, while developing cutting edge solutions to improve the short-term prediction of the solar resource.

About Naldeo (naldeo-technologies-industries.com)

      • As the successor of Bertin Technologies in the “Bertin Energy Environment” activities, Naldeo Technologies & Industries has been accompanying its customers towards technological excellence and environmental exemplarity for more than 60 years. The company relies on the complementarity of its 80 engineers and experts to support industries and territories towards the energy transition. Its historical positioning as a designer of technological solutions has been extended and complemented by an offer of engineering, expertise and consulting.

About Atmo (atmo.ai)

      • Atmospherics, also known as Atmo, aims to answer pressing questions of how businesses should respond to, and take advantage of, patterns in the weather. Atmo uses custom-built AI to analyze an enterprise’s historical data, compare it to a petascale database of the world’s weather, and generate precise insights for how to lower costs and boost profits, given the forecast. Atmo aims to democratize access to advanced weather insights for all organizations.

About proElux (www.proelux.com)

      • proElux has made it their mission to be the IT solution provider for the renewable energy industry. Our focus is to provide proven methods and instruments according to industry standards for the operation of decentralized power generation plants. The provided solutions are based on the MES system fabMES (Manufacturing Execution System) which was developed and is operated for monitoring, analysis, control and optimization of production plants and production processes.

About Voltalia (www.voltalia.com)

      • Voltalia is an international player in the renewable energy sector. The Group produces and sells electricity generated from wind, solar, hydraulic, biomass and storage facilities that it owns and operates, increasingly including projects developed in-house by Voltalia. Voltalia is also a service provider and supports its investor clients in renewable energy projects during all project phases. In 2019, Voltalia sealed a new partnership with the third largest French banking group, Crédit Mutuel, leading to the third corporate PPA >10MW ever signed in France, with a total installed capacity reaching 62MW.

About 8minute (www.8minute.com)

      • 8minute Solar Energy is the largest privately-held developer of solar PV and storage projects in the United States. Founded in 2009, the company holds many industry records, including the development of the largest solar plant in the US, the first operational solar plant in the US to beat fossil fuel prices, as well as the Eland Solar Energy & Storage Center. The company is a forerider of the fully dispatchable utility-scale solar-plus-storage concept, while delivering above-market profitability and strong financial returns.

About Suntrace (www.suntrace.de)

      • Suntrace provides innovative sustainable solar energy solutions throughout the entire life cycle of a project. Founded in 2009 and a member of Dornier Group since 2019, Suntrace has established itself as a leading international Consulting Company for large solar energy projects. The company provides advice on planning, financing and realization of renewable energy projects worldwide, supporting clients with technical and financial concepts and managing project implementation.

About Topbis Reunion (topbis-reunion.com)

      • Topbis Reunion specializes in renewable energies and solar, carrying out studies and the project management of the construction of photovoltaic and thermal solar power plants, as well as technical due diligence and power plant maintenance. Topbis Reunion is also offering professional education in the field of thermal and photovoltaic solar energy on a variety of topics, from the dimensioning of photovoltaic power plants to best practices in maintenance.

About Arconi Solutions (arconi.solutions)

      • Arconi Solutions is an international engineering firm headquartered in Madrid, Spain. The company has supplied engineering solutions to the photovoltaic industry since 2007, totalling more than 1.5 GW experience distributed across more than 200 projects in 25 countries. Arconi Solutions provides a wide variety of photovoltaic products (minigrid and rural electrification solutions; solar structures and trackers) and engineering and consultancy services to foster sustainable solar energy anywhere in the world.