Etienne Buessler

About Etienne Buessler

Etienne is a key account manager and solutions manager at Reuniwatt. He joined the team after graduating at Grenoble INP as a Processes for Energy and Environment engineer and specializing in Management, Innovation and Technologies. He studies the energy market apparatus and leads Business Development missions.

Reuniwatt will exhibit at EMART Energy 2015

EMART Energy, a 2-day conference and exhibition event gathering more than 750 professionals of the European energy trading sector, will take place in Barcelona, from November 25-26. For our team, this event will be the perfect opportunity to present its latest solar forecasting products for energy traders, to share knowledge and learn more about new concepts and ideas in energy trading. In the context

Energy transition: France paves the way for COP21

France, host to the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21), took the lead regarding the measures to adopt in order to mitigate climate change and thus prevent and reduce our ecological footprint to spread further. Indeed, the French government set itself ambitious goals. “France must be exemplary”, according to the Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, Ségolène Royal. In order to realize these

EU PVSEC 2015: International Conference for Photovoltaics

Schedule an appointment This year, Reuniwatt will participate in several presentations at EU PVSEC: On Tuesday 15., don't miss the presentation of our new poster: "Soleksat, a fexible solar irradiance forecasting tool using satellite images and geographic web-services", during the session 5BV.1 from 08:30 - 10:00, on the topic of Meteorology, Online Monitoring, IR imaging On Thursday 17.,

Reuniwatt at the European Meteorological Society’s (EMS) annual meeting 2015

Reuniwatt will be at the next European Meteorological Society's (EMS) annual meeting, in Sophia, Bulgaria, from September 07.-11. Our CSO Sylvain Cros will represent Reuniwatt during the 15th European Meteorological Society's annual meeting & 12th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), which will take place in Sophia, Bulgaria, in September. He will give a presentation during the Energy Meteorology conference session on Friday 11.,

On the cusp of COP21: Innovation and renewables, figureheads of December’s negotiations

From November 30th to December 11th, France will host the 21st Conference of Parties (COP21). COP21 is a yearly conference where the 195 countries that ratified the United Nations’ Framework Convention as well as various actors from several fields discuss Climate Change mitigation actions. Last year, COP20 took place in Lima, Peru. Its aftermath was not a success considering no significant step was taken

ICEM 2015: Weather & Climate for the Energy Industry

Reuniwatt will attend the 3rd International Conference on Energy & Meteorology, ICEM 2015, from 22.-26. June, in Boulder, Colorado. Reuniwatt CSO Sylvain Cros will present some of our reasearch works. The latter will exhibit our latest breakthroughs in terms of Earth observation and use of geo-information databases in order to predict the power output of solar plants. The ICEM 2015 will gather scientists, economists, stakeholders and other specialists working on

Musk unveils Tesla’s Powerwall: En route to a new energy era?

Last April in Hawthorne (California), founder of Tesla Motors Elon Musk, the current leader in the electric vehicles sector, made an entrance in a spectacular fashion during his brand new home batteries’ debut conference. Tesla wants to revolutionize the energy sector but can it really be done? A cheering and overall overexcited crowd greets Elon Musk as he enters the stage. With a curt nod

Intersolar Europe 2015: Connecting solar business

Reuniwatt will attend the leading european exhibition for the solar industry and its partners: Intersolar Europe, which will take place from 10.-12. June, in München, Germany. More than 1,000 exhibitors and 40,000 trade visitors are expected at Intersolar Europe, making this event an ideal communication and exchange platform for the diverse stakeholders of the solar industry. Reuniwatt will be exhibiting in Hall B1 - booth 691 on the Nexa

Solar impulse: the solar airplane

If you live in Abu Dhabi, Muscat or Ahmedabad, you might have seen a weird bird flying above you. Wider than a Boeing 747 but weighing only 1% of its weight, Solar Impulse is a 4-engine solar-powered plane on its way to fly around the globe. It has absolutely no other fuel than solar energy. Flying only thanks to solar energy would have seemed impossible

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