Discover our latest resources on the topics of atmospheric sciences, irradiance forecasts, and their various industrial applications.
White Papers
Our White Papers are intended to provide you with a maximum of objective information on selected topics, in order to help you with the implementation of your projects.

Unlocking the Potential of Backtests
The white paper Unlocking the Potential of Backtests for Operational Excellence – Allowing plant developers to understand backtests basics as a handle for improving their revenue estimates explains to which extent historical solar forecasts can be useful for improving solar plant operations. Reuniwatt explains the background and functionalities of backtests during different projet phases, while renewable energy producer and developer Akuo shares details on how backtests are used to conduct revenue studies during pre-commissioning phase.

High Penetration Renewables for Mines
The white paper High Penetration Renewables for Mines- a Business Case for >85% Renewable Share explores to which extent renewables can bring additional value at off-grid mines. Dornier Suntrace, a leading expert for renewable energy solutions to decarbonise mining operations, showcases different cases of a hybrid power plant with or without Battery Energy Storage System (BESS). Reuniwatt discusses the role of power forecasts.

Smoother grid operations through storage & forecasting
In our white paper Smoother grid operations through storage & forecasting – Grid code requirements: the South African Example Clean Horizon and Reuniwatt present their views on energy storage and on solar power forecasting for mitigating the risk of intermittency of solar power on a national grid level. They share their best practices, as well as examples from South Africa.

Solar Irradiance Nowcasting with Satellite Data
In our white paper Solar Irradiance Nowcasting with Satellite Data – Launch of Meteosat Third Generation: data value chain from space to solar plants we highlight the satellite data journey and present the unique features and improvements achievable through the MTG satellite system.

High-quality weather data: A key element to assess your PV plants’ current performance
The quality of the solar resource estimation, either measured on site or provided by satellite data, should be carefully checked and evaluated. Reliable and accurate irradiance data is crucial for establishing a robust foundation that serves both technical and financial business needs.

Stability for Hybrid Systems in Microgrids – How to optimise the use of solar resources using forecasting to overcome its intermittency in hybrid systems
This white paper presents best practices for a solar hybrid project for off-grid mining operations in terms of their optimal design, energy management and integration of renewable energy into existing infrastructure. The effective and safe integration of multiple technologies into a single controllable plant requires an advanced EMS combined with solar forecasting.

Wireless Laser Communications – Successfully combining weather forecasts and free-space optical communications
This white paper explores the opportunities for the widespread use, standardisation, and optimisation of Free Space Optical Communications (FSO) systems, with a focus on using precision weather forecasting to ensure the best possible transmission of the signal through the atmosphere at any given time

Cost Saving Potential of Solar Hybrid Systems for Microgrids: How to take full benefit of the solar resource within hybrid systems
Learn more about the cost saving potential of solar-battery hybrid systems combined with solar forecasting solutions using an exemplary case study of an off-grid mine in western Africa.
Webinars on Demand
Reuniwatt has been organising a series of live webinars with its clients and partners, accessible on demand in order to share our feedback. The webinars are free, open to all, and can be watched wherever and whenever you want!
Contrails observations – from lab to airfield?
Contrail detection and observation can serve as avenues for minimizing contrail production without significantly impacting operations, and help reduce the environmental footprint of the aviation sector. In this webinar, our speakers present state-of-the-art contrails observation techniques using satellite data and all-sky imagers.
FSOC: No Clouds on the Horizon
This webinar with Mynaric and Fraunhofer IOSB is about free-space optical communications. FSOC still faces two major challenges to providing similar performance to terrestrial “backbone class” long-haul fiber networks, which need to be resolved in order to increase the physical link efficiency. In this webinar, our expert share insights on what is necessary to ensure reliable ground to space and space to ground links through the atmosphere.
Meteo Data Quality
This webinar with Everoze and Power Factors is about weather data, specifically solar radiation data. It can be obtained both from ground measurements taken with on-site instruments, and from calculations derived from satellite imagery. In both cases, flawed data can lead to overestimating or underestimating the performance of a solar installation. Learn how to prevent this in our webinar. Learn how to improve data quality and use the data for optimised system operation.
Launch of MTG satellite: data journey from space to solar plants
EUMETSAT has been monitoring weather and climate from space for decades. With the MTG (Meteosat Third Generation) system, it has launched one of the most innovative weather satellite systems ever built. In this webinar, we’ll explore the data journey from space to the end users of satellite applications in renewable energy. EUMETSAT, AEMET and Reuniwatt highlight the positive impact of the additional datasets and their improved quality and accuracy on weather forecasts. A special focus will be put on nowcasting and the safe integration of solar energy into the grid.
Renewable hybrid energy solutions: Decarbonising mines, cost reduction and energy security
The mining industry faces a complex challenge: how to provide the essential resources the modern global economy needs while reducing its own environmental impact. The integration of renewables and energy storage into its power system offers a number of opportunities for mines: making production more sustainable and reducing costs, while securing and hedging future energy supply cost. In this webinar, you’ll learn more about the best practices and value of installing renewables at mining sites, on- or off-grid.
Stabilizing grid operations through storage & forecasting of renewable generation
With solar and wind power’s variable electricity production, Eskom, as well as grid operators and utilities worldwide, are constantly adapting their requirements for renewable energy projects to ensure stable grid operations. In this webinar, you will learn more about the current and future requirements, and best practices for the integration of energy storage and solar forecasting into your projects to ensure you comply with these requirements and make the most of the solar resource at all times.
Asset Optimisation for Offgrid Projects using advanced performance analytics
This webinar showcases best-value solutions for the implementation of energy efficiency measures at off-grid plants ranging in perspective from production to consumption. Our speakers share details about robust solutions delivering high quality data for monitoring and optimising your assets’ performance allowing for better energy management and optimal usage of each element of your installations.
Volcanic eruptions and aerosols – what did we learn from the Hunga-Tonga?
The atmospheric composition affects our everyday life, health and electricity production. In this webinar, our experts will share how and why atmosperic scientists observe the mix of aerosols in our atmosphere and which effects resulted from the Hunga-Tonga eruption. We will introduce how you to how aerosols are observed and measured, including insights into the Maïdo atmospheric station in Reunion Island, and put a focus on the effect of these aerosols on human activities.
Climate Change: IR detection will make the difference!
Precision in space, reliable and high-quality data on Earth: A simple concept that is helping to mitigate climate change through several aspects. The demanding requirements of space programs lead to the development of high performance, high resolution infrared detectors. This webinar presents state-of-the-art information regarding IR technology for the latest generation of meteorological satellites and explains, how Earth observation is an essential tool for climate change monitoring and mitigation. Precise meteorological data is also essential for solar energy generation. The webinar explains, how these high-quality images can be analysed by Reuniwatt’s SunSat™ algorithms to provide in-depth information on irradiance conditions and solar plant performance worldwide.
Wireless Laser Communication: Don’t let clouds get in the way of success!
Weather remains the achilles heel for free-space optical communication (FSOC). Atmospheric factors along the path of the light are changing with the weather over time. Clouds and fog in particular can result in scattering or absorption, significantly reducing signal intensity. How can the reliability of these systems be increased by taking weather into account? In this webinar Airbus, Reuniwatt and Systematic Paris-Region discuss how the combination of FSOC and weather forecasting technology is poised to change the communications market as we know it!
Hybrids: A Path from Intermittency to Stability
In this webinar, we will outline a framework for the implementation of future-proof hybrid power projects. Intermittency remains a challenge for hybrid projects. Wärtsilä and Reuniwatt will provide a framework for reliable and cost effective hybrid power plants. This will include technology integration, contractual structuring and system optimization, as well as the setup of a forecasting system as an essential tool for a smart energy management of hybrid projects.
French Overseas: A successful example for Solar & Storage in Islands
This webinar presents the necessary steps for the successful implementation of photovoltaic power plants with storage and forecasting and discusses successful examples for their application and role in the energy transition of islands. Naldeo Technologies & Industries and Reuniwatt share their experiences and discuss how such solutions help to reach 100% of renewables – moderated by the innovation cluster of Guadeloupe, Synergîle.
EU innovation Project: TRUST-PV insights and three Perspectives
TRUST-PV is an EU-funded project dedicated to help achieve a more grid-friendly integration of solar power in the EU and enable optimized grid stability and operations. With this webinar, four of the project consortium’s members will introduce the project and provide more information about our cooperation to interested parties.
Deep-learning approaches for weather-dependent businesses
This webinar explores how deep learning works and why weather-dependent businesses should consider machine-learning technology for weather forecasts. Reuniwatt’s Data Scientist Pierre Aillaud will talk about deep neural networks and probabilistic approaches applied to solar forecasting.
Mega Solar Projects and Grid Integration Challenges – Benban’s return on experience
Designing and realizing mega-projects like Benban Solar Park brings along its own challenges. In our webinar Voltalia discusses the history of Benban’s commissioning and its particularities related to the project’s enormous size, while Reuniwatt presents the aspect of weather and production forecasting.
Off-grid Solar: The Cost Saving Potential of Solar Hybrid Systems using forecasting and sky cams for Off-Grid Mines
Add-on solar and storage solutions help mining businesses make their operations more sustainable. Resource Extraction has been relying on fossil fuels for decades, and is now turning towards add-on renewables. Suntrace and Reuniwatt will share their experience in the design and actual operation of off-grid solar projects, particularly for mines.
Dispatchable PV+Storage Plants using MESA-ESS and precision forecasts based on sky cams
This webinar with 8minute Solar Energy and Reuniwatt allows you to acquire best-in-class knowledge on managing large-scale dispatchable solar plant operations, and learn about a variety of grid ancillary services like frequency regulation and power smoothing to the grid that can be enabled through short-term forecasting.
Flagship Projects
Our services help our customers all over the world in their everyday operations to take better account of solar production and the cloud cover. Discover a selection of our achievements.