Solar InCell™, shorlisted during Pollutec’s Innovation Showcase

Reuniwatt exhibited at Pollutec 2016, the 27th international exhibition of environmental equipment technologies and services. During this fair, Reuniwatt presented its meteorological and climatic solutions for the development of solar power. Solar InCell™, one of the company’s newest solutions, was among the finalists of Pollutec’s Innovation Showcase.

Reuniwatt’s booth was within the Space Village, along with public and private stakeholders such as Airbus and the French Geographical Institute (IGN).


In addition to the Innovation Showcase, our solution also received European funding as it is one of the H2020 SME Phase 1 Instrument winners. Solar InCell™ brings a concrete solution to one of Europe’s priority: the cross validation of ground measurements and satellite data. Indeed, according to the European Commission, it is nowadays of prime importance to put in place IoT solutions which are both affordable and which pave the way for the energy transition. Solar InCell™ is one of those solutions as it combines a complete ground weather station, cloud connection and a Big Data visualisation platform which includes satellite data.

Solar InCell™, an essential solution for solar professionals

For solar energy professionals (project developers, operators, plant managers), it is crucial to obtain trustworthy local irradiance measurements, as these data will enable to verify that the PV installations are efficient and profitable.

The measures gathered with ground sensors can often be imperfect: poor equipment calibration, time-drift, failure, dirt, shadowing, transmission problem… represent as many contigencies which can lead to biaised or inexistent data.

Thanks to Solar InCell™, our energy-autonomous and connected weather station, we are able to gather ground data which are validated and fine-tuned with satellite images. The combination of space data with in-situ measurements helps solar professionals access high-quality data, necessary to reassure investors, confirm the performance of their installations and pilot their assets. When one knows that each year, a single installation faces an average of 5 incidents leading to a yield loss that can reach up to 55%, one understands the need for improved performance practices.

By |December 2nd, 2016|Categories: Company News, Events|
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